Mgr. Hopmansstraat 1 and 15 / Breda, NL /
May 30, 12:00
Mgr. Hopmansstraat 1 and 15 / Breda, NL /
June 6, 12:00
Mgr. Hopmansstraat 1 and 15 / Breda, NL / June 20, 12:00
Mgr. Hopmansstraat 1 and 15 / Breda, NL / June 13, 12:00
Fill in our form and test the game
This demo is to collect data on our target audience and your opinion of our playthrough. By filling in this form https://goo.gl/forms/v3PxsKJtFm9dnTax2 you can help us greatly improve our game and your experience!
Before you start go to http://www.4you2learn.com/bartle/ and complete the test, the outcome of this test will be used within the form.
Fill in your email at the end of this form if you want to win a free copy of the full version of the game in exchange for your help to continue your part as official tester of our game! (Your name will be added to the credits of the game and you'll get a free copy of the full version of the game. Other prizes will be announced within the mail!) NOTE: Not all participants will be able to continue the testing procedure, you'll receive an email if you made it into the next test session.